Frequently Asked Questions
How can I find out more information on how to contact the board?
Please go to the PayHOA Portal then click "Documents" on the left menu bar. On that page you should see a "HOA Board" folder that has document titled "Chagrin Highlands HOA Board Contact Information.pdf". That document contains more information on how to contact different members of the board.
Where should I send checks when paying my dues?
The HOA uses a lockbox service to process physical checks. They are process by a third party vendor provided by PayHOA. When sending physical checks, it is extremely important to include the remittance slip that is attached to your invoice. If you do not, your check will not be automatically associated with your account.
Please make sure checks are payable to "Chagrin Highlands HOA". Please send the check and remittance slip to the following address:
Chagrin Highlands HOA
PO BOX 94046
Las Vegas, Nevada 89193-4046
I forgot to include the remittance slip when mailing a physical check. What can I do?
This typically should not be a problem. The checks will be distributed to our HOA's account as long as you make sure the checks are payable to "Chagrin Highlands HOA" and mailed to the correct PO BOX address listed above.
We will do our best to automatically identify deposits that are missing a remittance slip though the name, address, or memo on the check. If we cannot identify the homeowner, we will keep the funds allocated in an unidentified homeowners account. If you see your account missing any expected payments, please reach out to us and we can help remedy the situation.
Information on my PayHOA account is incorrect. How can I fix it?
Please email us and we can help correct any issues. These accounts were setup using information that the board had on record. We understand that there may be discrepancies and we appreciate your patience as we get everything up to date.
The light on a street lamp post is out. What can I do?
Please reach out to the board. We are researching who to contact.
There is a street sign down on my street. What can I do?
Please reach out to the board. We must hire a contractor to replace the street sign.
Where can I pay my dues?
You can pay dues in the PayHOA Portal.
How can I submit a request an architectural request?
You can submit requests through the PayHOA Portal.